Sunday, November 12, 2006

Writer's Block

I haven't posted much lately because I haven't felt that I had anything worth telling about. But maybe I'm wrong.

I could tell you about my fun laundry experiences.
The kids' bladders are still developing, thereby giving me many excuses to use my automatic washer and dryer. In some countries and less-fortunate homes in this country, people must wash their clothes by hand and leave them to air dry, regardless of the weather. I am so tickled to have a machine to do it for me. There is a drawback to such oppulance, though. I don't handle each piece of laundry so I don't discover the no-no's in the clothes until later. The kids are constantly surprising me with crayons. Sometimes I find them as I transfer the clothes to the dryer (good). Sometimes Daniel wears brand new shirts stained noticeably with greasy yellow crayon markings to school (bad). I'm grateful that his socks and underwear are less visible! If I was a parent of only one child, I might get worked up and labor extra hard to get the crayon out as much as possible. Luckily, I have 4 beautiful children and don't have to worry about such activities! Did you know it's possible for a hershey's kiss to come out of the washer, still in its "kiss" shape? I'm not too sure about the smarties. I'm hoping it was only a wrapper when it went into the wash, because that's all I found when I took it out.

I could tell you about Stake Conference.
We had our first broadcast for Stk. Conf. today. It covered around 70 stakes in the SE Idaho area. We sat on the hard chairs in the gym. Pres. Faust, Elder Oaks and Pres. Parkin were speakers. There was one more guy that I can't recall a name for. The lady who led the intermediate hymn was on fire! She must have been sipping a forbidden caffinated beverage before standing to lead us all in song. She succeeded in waking us all up, as we had to really concentrate to sing the words in time. We were relatively reverent. Rebekah had had her fill by the time we ended and I was glad Stk. Conf. only comes around twice a year. I look forward to the days when the kids will sit quietly and let me actually get something from the meeting besides a numb rear!

I could tell you about my sister visiting from SLC.
Amber and her 3 kids came for a visit this weekend. They arrived Friday night around 7 PM and stayed until this morning (Sunday). We had a lot of cousin play time and I think the kids all had fun (mostly). Amber and I snuck away to a whole wheat bread making class and left poor Chad to feed 7 kids lunch. (I fed them all breakfast, so I know exactly what he was up against!) So we got a free lunch of two kinds of bread, cinnamon rolls, pancakes and pizza - all made with the whole wheat bread dough. It's been a while since I ate that much whole wheat. I'll let you imagine the rest of the story. I'm glad Amber could visit. I appreciated a quieter house when she left. *wink*

I could tell you about losing my voice.
I got so frustrated with the boys on Friday that I yelled the deepest roar I could muster. It took about 10 seconds for me to lose my voice. It's Sunday and I still can't hit the highest notes in my normal range. I guess I really showed those kids who's boss!

I could tell you about the rest of my adventures.
If only they'd left a big enough impression on my mind that I could remember them. Truly, it's a sad, repetative life I'm creating for myself. I should do something just so that I could entertain you with it.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I laughed out loud at your comment about the chorister. Now there's someone who loves their calling! If only everyone else approached theirs with as much zeal (including myself)...

  3. If you think the description was funny, you should have seen the expression on her face!
