Monday, November 13, 2006

Fox Urine

Chad's parents write a weekly letter and email it to the family. We usually find something to comment about in the letters, but we have found the last letter to be particularly useful fodder. Apparently, they are having skunk problems and mentioned that they sent away for fox urine. Sent away for fox urine? Well, we had lots to suppose and speculate on last night! How exactly do you get the fox to give you the urine? Are there farms for this purpose? Will you now have to share it with the neighbors since your skunks are moving on? And where do you buy fox urine? Certainly not eBay...don't they have rules against that? (Don't be too sure.)

So we laughed about our lack of important things to discuss as we turned out the light last night.

It seems that there wasn't a lot of important things to discuss in the office this morning as the conversation eventually drifted to the subject. Just to add a visual, the drafter actually pulled it up on eBay. It was in a gallon jug. (Duh!) Suddenly, they realize that the guy they share the office with is meeting with a client right next to them (the partitions are only about 7 feet high). Did they joke around too loudly? Not that the guy noticed. Apparently, he's a big expert on fox urine, too. The conversation continued still! I think the guy was talking about how to get the urine from the poor animal when his wife walked by, prompting a strange look. The topic died around that time.

So now you, too, can go and have your own discussion on fox urine and see where it takes you! Here is a helpful link to get you started. You can thank me later.

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