Sunday, September 17, 2006

I was honored

I played the clarinet in Jr. High and High School. Anyone else play an instrument in school? I was never great. I suffered from lack of confidence. I once signed up to be in the orchestra for the school play (Anything Goes) and ended up with such a low-on-the-totem-pole part that I hardly played, but got to sit still for a long time. FUN! Anyway, I didn't pursue anything in college that wasn't required for graduation, so the clarinet didn't see much daylight. I did play in some Christmas orchestra once.

So as I've gotten older, it's become important to me to keep the little skill that I had developed and I've played in church for different things a few times. A few weeks ago, I was asked if I would participate in a musical number with some other sisters. (We had performed a piece in a Stake RS meeting a while back. We pulled it back out to get it ready again.) It is an arrangement of "The Spirit of God" for Flute, Clarinet and Oboe, accompanied by the piano. We didn't have an oboe, so we re-arranged the arrangement. ANYWAY.... that's what we did today.

I had casually invited family members to come and listen. It wasn't with any great expectation, because we live a little ways from family. Of course, if I hadn't really wanted them to come, I wouldn't have said anything. This morning I was honored by Chad's parents getting up at 5 AM (an hour and a half before we did) and driving 2 1/2 hours to be on time for our 9 AM Sacrament Meeting. How long was the musical number? About 5 minutes or less. How did it make me feel? AWESOME! I was really touched that they would support me like that. And then they topped it off by giving me sincere compliments. (Don't you always know when they are fake?)

So I just had to share what great in-laws I have. They of course had to drive home another 2 1/2 hours. That was a sacrifice worth a lot to me!


  1. That IS awesome they drove all that way. And I'm sure you did a wonderful job!

  2. That is great that they would make that drive!! You'll have to get everyone together again and record it so we can hear how great you are!
