Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Any crazy mothers out there?

Is it normal behavior for a six-year-old to look at you like your head is inside out while you're threatening his very mortality? Daniel is challenging my patience on new levels - daily. We were out in public yesterday(I'm beginning to wonder if that's something we should avoid for a while) and he was constantly doing just those little things that make you want to grit your teeth to keep from completely embarrassing yourself in an uncontrolled rant regarding his mental abilities. Of course, he wasn't bad enough to clue in the unknowing observers on the entire scope of the problem. Do you know how deep the Grand Canyon is? Just consider that it was a gentle flow of refreshing water that created that enormous gouge in the ROCK. I am not made of rock.

But, this is a family, and he is not without his "posse." The kids were supposed to go and brush their teeth this evening. Such a simple chore. Such a resulting flood. Even Leah, who was using the toilet, was wet. I nearly lost all limits of self-control. And why should I? Didn't I KNOW that would happen? Yes, but I was really hoping it wouldn't. I keep showing faith in my children. I still expect to be rewarded one day. I suggested that they shouldn't be allowed in the bathroom anymore, unless they were the only one in it. Daniel agreed that would be a good rule. I'm still considering really using that rule, but for now, they've just lost their TV tomorrow.

*SIGH* I just need to take a really big breath. They are good kids, with gigantic spirits to teach and train.

I need a few friends to commiserate with. Having 4 kids under the age of 7 puts me in a lonely world of parenting. If anyone comes across this blog, share your ideas! I would love to hear of your crazy adventures, too!


  1. I have no useful advice, but I feel ya! To add to the craziness we are gonna start trying for another! Am I crazy?

  2. Arlyn,
    Check with your mom, maybe she had similar experiences.
