Friday, September 01, 2006

Genius...I'm sure of it!

Nathan and Leah are addicted to worksheets. I am talking rehab level addiction. Nathan has a workbook that he's been using. One day he did 30 pages in one sitting! Of course, he's 4 and can't read the instructions, so I have to keep stopping what I'm doing to help him. Yesterday he finished ending consonant sounds and moved into short vowel sounds. He was doing a little addition and subtraction earlier in the week. Here he is taking a quick break to snack, while working on his beloved workbook.

Leah is just as bad, but she's at an age where there aren't really any workbooks she can do. I have to sit with her and guide her through everything. So, I obviously put her off often. She has a workbook for pre-schoolers, just a little too hard, which is conveniently lost right now. I'm sure it will turn up just as I am up to my elbows in bread dough!

1 comment:

  1. Wow How cute they are!!!
    I really miss all of you so much.
    NExy week I have a lot of test to do... I might be flunk.he he he
    I gotta go now..
    Love+miss you all
