Sunday, July 03, 2011

Time to Feed the Cows

Does anyone remember that old Dunkin' Donuts commercial where the baker would wake up in the morning at some insane hour and say, "Time to make the donuts" in a really drowsy voice? Then he'd stumble through the process and we'd all be really grateful for his sacrifice and want to run out and buy at least a dozen. (Oh, was that only me?)

This picture of Nathan reminds me of that. We found him on the couch one morning like this. He'd gotten up on Monday (I know it's Monday because he's got church socks on) and fallen asleep in his coat. The boys were pretty good about getting up to feed the calves every morning. Daniel was more dedicated than Nathan, but Nathan was pretty good. Some feedings were very cold!

I made sure I got out to take pictures of the boys during one of the last feedings before the cows were weaned off milk. I had a great idea to compare the size of the calves from when we got them to when we weaned them.

Here's Daniel feeding his cow in April. The trees were still bare and the corral/pasture barely had any grass.

Here he is at the end of May. Same cow. Grass in the pasture. Daniel's even wearing the same sweatshirt. Can you see how much the calf has grown? I can't either. So much for my awesome comparison. I guess we'll have to wait until the end of summer for a really impressive "then and now". And honestly, when you have a cow approaching you with 6 inches of tongue hanging out for a bottle nipple, it's best to have him be as small as possible!

Right here is where I would post the video I have of this white calf coming to me for some milk (which I didn't have). I've been trying to get it to load all afternoon. Maybe soon. It's highly entertaining. cough, cough

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