The weather this year was FANTASTIC! A little warm at 3:30, but it felt great in the shade. I guess other people thought it was great weather, too. The stands were packed...the most we've ever seen at the circus. We've suffered through wind and/or rain most of the past years.
Here are the kids, waiting for the show to begin. It seems like there is always someone with a long-sleeved shirt on in this family!!
Here is what some of them looked like a little later...must have been good...or simply astonishing.
There were tigers this year. I've never seen tigers (we've been going for the past 4 or 5 years). The tigers jumped through hoops and over each other. It was pretty impressive (though not jaw-dropping).
There were aerial acrobats. Here is a stunt that they didn't end up needing the net for. ;)
There were also acts of juggling and several people hanging from ropes and spinning, etc.
There was a bear there. He could push a huge stroller and walk on this barrel.
This family was good at flips. They launched several members of their team up into the air. This guy is about to land in a padded chair about 10 feet up off the ground.
This guy is there every year. He stacks chairs and climbs. When the wind is really bad around here, he takes the safe road and doesn't stack the last one or two chairs. Really...where's the entertainment in that? (I'm kidding. I don't want my kids to need therapy because they saw a performer maimed or killed right in front of them.)
At intermission we got snow cones. The choices (all $4) were snow cones (which I can make at home for free), popcorn (which I can also make for free and will make everyone thirsty) or cotton candy (I'm not going to buy pure sugar on a, they'll all be thirsty). I figured that at least with the snow cones, the kids wouldn't be thirsty! So for $16, we got 4 snow cones (I know...we were practically robbed)!
Sarah enjoyed hers. ;)
We know the circus is over when the elephants come out. In years past, they've had 3 elephants. I guess they traded an elephant for the tigers. It's impressive to me to see how these huge animals perform these tricks. They just do them a lot slower than other animals!

Good Bye! See you in 2012!

Of course, the show wasn't over just because we left the circus grounds. We had our own circus to perform. Who even knows why he is pouting...we rarely find out.

Thankfully, it was a two-ring circus (so we didn't get bored with just one act). I can't remember what her problem was, either.

Of course, we were the 4 o'clock performance, trying to leave at 6:30 - the same time the 7 o'clock performance was arriving. There was a traffic jam big enough to impress even a Thai taxi driver. (That's a REALLY big traffic jam, if you couldn't guess.)
Good Bye! See you in 2012!
Of course, the show wasn't over just because we left the circus grounds. We had our own circus to perform. Who even knows why he is pouting...we rarely find out.
Thankfully, it was a two-ring circus (so we didn't get bored with just one act). I can't remember what her problem was, either.
Of course, we were the 4 o'clock performance, trying to leave at 6:30 - the same time the 7 o'clock performance was arriving. There was a traffic jam big enough to impress even a Thai taxi driver. (That's a REALLY big traffic jam, if you couldn't guess.)
The next day, we had a horrible (but I loved it) wind and thunderstorm. I was glad we missed that!!
I've seen that SAME show--not the first circus but the second one! So nice to know my kids aren't the only ones perfecting those routines.