Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sleeping, crafting and celebrating

I've mostly overcome my funk from last month. And it's time to catch up on all the stuff that's been going on in our lives. Sadly, some of the best moments will be lost because those are the little things that we don't remember forever. I guess that's what happens when you hold a pity party. :(

Chad caught this moment one night in May as we got ready for bed. This is an interesting twist on sleeping under a laundry basket! I think everyone should get a "Joseph" in their family! He and Sarah are best friends. Who wouldn't be smitten with a someone willing to sleep under their crib in such a fashion?

I showed you the shirts I made for the kids' last day of school. The kids made the shirts even better. We have received (and still receive) some great comments over these tees. Joseph even wears his turtleneck in 80+ degree weather.

The end of the year was an exciting time. Rebekah participated in a Kindergarten program and then the elementary had an awards assembly. Both Leah and Rebekah earned the "Teacher's Award" which is given to one girl and one boy from each class...chosen by their teacher. (Bet you didn't already figure that out.) There were field trips and class parties. Daniel's end-of-year was marked by a maturation presentation. He barely lived through it. (When I was making their shirts, Daniel asked if I could make his say, "I survived 'The Talk'." I didn't go for that idea.)

I used my Silhouette machine to make the shirts, as well as this family name grouping. (I have no idea what to call it. Anyone?) I ironed some heavy-duty Heat 'n' Bond to the back of the fabric, cut each letter out on my cutter, then ironed them onto the canvases. I bought the canvases in a 10 pack at Michael's and painted them.

This was a fun project, but also a learning experience. I would do it a little differently if there was a "next time".

Also on my cutter, I cut out these ties and the letters to make a Father's Day bunting for Chad. This was a pretty easy craft.

The letters from the middle of the white were given to the kids who made Chad a card. Amazingly enough, their message was the same as mine!

When we got home from church, we found that the cat had played with the bunting and the string was in three parts. It was a little shorter after we tied it back together. Fatherhood is like that survive the turmoil and get back on track. (I think this is a much better analogy than the one I came up with when I found my Mother's Day plant covered in little white bugs!)

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