Friday, September 25, 2009


A nasty, four-letter word and Daniel's new enemy.

Remember the jaw/cheek pain Daniel had at the beginning of the summer? We saw a chiropractor and that seems to take care of the problem. When it returned on the other side of his head last week, I took him to a chiropractic office closer to home. We were there Monday and Thursday (yesterday).

The chiropractor worked on him and said things should be better; twice. He didn't charge us for either visit. I am still grateful for that as it would have been about $100 by now. But last night at dinner, Daniel was about to die from his discomfort. He wouldn't even eat dinner (and there was no way we could get him to set the table). So I drove him to the medical clinic in a town 20 minutes away.

That doctor is going to see if a TMJ specialist (40 minutes away) will see him. The doctor was not sure he'd take such a young patient. Apparently, it's quite rare for children to be suffering what Daniel seems to be suffering (this according to just about every Dr./dentist we've seen). If he won't see him, he'll send us to an Ear-Nose-Throat specialist who will see children. Sending him to Primary Children's in SLC came up once, too. I don't really want to drive 40 minutes, so I'm pretty sure I don't want to drive to Salt Lake! And he mentioned "MRI" and "CAT scan" if the specialists aren't helpful, but we're not running to expose him to unnecessary radiation.

But the doctor doesn't work today (nor does his nurse) so nothing will be done with that until Monday. Yipee! Another weekend of moaning, groaning and crying. Oh, and don't forget the drugs.

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