Monday, September 21, 2009

Friendly Competition

We change Sarah's diapers on the bed in our room. When we're done, we roll up the diaper and throw it to the garbage can. I try to imagine a bullseye on the wall above so it will bounce in perfectly. I make it only about half the time (but hey, it's often the wee hours of the morning!) and then there are lots of little diaper balls on the floor all around the garbage. I call it scatter decorating.

But now the diaper throwing sport has become a little more competitive. If Joseph is on the bed when the diaper is changed, he grabs the diaper and throws it himself! He does throw it in the right direction, but NEVER reaches the target. In fact, sometimes it just lands on the other side of the mattress. I don't penalize him for bad form though because he often is the one who stops and picks up all the diapers on the floor and ensures they make it into the garbage.

Maybe I should have him watch me clean up his room more. Then he could compete with me in that, too.

1 comment:

  1. "scatter decorating"
    Is that what it is called? We change Zamora on the bed and do the exact same thing (minus the competitive nature)with much less accuracy!
