Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I thought newborns were supposed to be sleepy

This isn't the first time I've done this newborn thing. Even so, I'm having a hard time remembering something. Aren't new babies supposed to sleep all day? (Experience has already taught me they are up all night.)

I had two opportunities for naps today. Sarah didn't let me take either one. I finally got her to sleep 10 minutes before my first nap time was over. At least I got some computer time in that way. (A neighbor had called up and offered to take Rebekah and Joseph for me so I could get some rest. It was a really good idea - or so I thought.)

During our official nap time after lunch, Sarah was determined to stay awake. She started out asleep. Just as I started to doze, she woke up. Over half the time was gone before she started getting really sleepy again. Even then, I had to put my arm over her and set my face mere inches from hers. I was cross-eyed and she was getting an earful of my warm breath. I guess she liked it because she settled down and went to sleep.

Unfortunately, in order to get my face that close to hers, I had to put my unused arm (which was under me) behind me. Eventually, that part of me went to sleep, too. It was a little tricky getting up after that!

And what of this evening? Sarah has been awake for the past 6+ hours. She's looking all around, her tongue is slowly poking in and out of her mouth, she waves her hands in the air, occasionally she asks to eat or have her diaper changed, but she doesn't fall asleep. Combined with this morning and afternoon, this is a lot of "alert" time. Aren't newborns supposed to be sleepy? (I know I'm sleepy!) She's not even 3 weeks old. I am hopeful that this means she'll sleep really well tonight, but she won't make it through the night with her tiny tummy. I sure pray that she won't get her "second wind" and keep me up all night, too. I want some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. So not fun! And I thought I was having sleeping problems. Logan has to sleep in my bed around 1am... I am a horrible friend who is still sick! As soon as I think i am healthy and can go visit I come down with something else! like Pink eye! Then a sore throat! When these are gone I will be there to see you and sarah!
