Tuesday, September 22, 2009


There is a family (somewhat local) that just enjoyed their first Family Home Evening in many years. The parents of the family were married in the temple nearly 12 years ago. They have 4 children, two of whom have been baptized. I assume they are full tithe payers (since they have temple recommends), but I don't really know those kind of details...and don't really care either way.

The family blog yesterday relates their experience with FHE and mentions how excited the kids were. They had all sorts of fun and look forward to (hopefully) having more FHE successes. Sounds great, right?

The blog post starts out mentioning why it has taken them so long to get "into" FHE. Apparently, it's my fault. Approximately 20 years ago, I ruined the FHE experience. Wow. I never dreamed I could be so influential. And all along I thought no one cared.

I guess it's easier to blame things on others than admit you may have been holding out on your own. Anyone else want to blame me for something? Did you yell at your kids? Haven't renewed your Ensign subscription? Fail your driver's license test? I am available and the possibilities are so great!

Maybe I should feel flattered. I'll work on that ... as soon I get done telling myself not to feel bad that I'm currently held in such obvious "high esteem".


  1. You are my sister and I love you very much. I only blame you for being so much smaller than me, which severly limited my hand-me-down wardrobe selections :) Wait, was that your fault?? Must have been...

  2. I'm so happy to know it was your fault I didn't get my Ensign subscription renewed. All this time I just thought I was a slacker.
