My poor kids are going to need therapy for the abuse they've been getting while I wait for my hormones to balance out. Bluntly said, "I am WAY cranky."
There are few chances given around here lately. The first sound of fighting earns my wrath. If you don't respond after the 2nd time, you're likely to be singled out and faced with a very unfriendly comment. I have learned to leave the room when I'm feeling too crazed.
I feel bad about my recent attitude, but only upon reflection. It does nothing to keep me from losing control the next time something irritates me. So not only am I dealing with little sleep, crazy hormones, a depressed sense of self-image, I'm feeling large amounts of guilt, too. Yay for me and the family!
But it's not all my fault. When Daniel thought it would be funny to make his sisters and brother put very spicy hot pepper seeds into their mouths, my first thought was...Give him one, too! I didn't feel bad when he cried (and he made sure he cried the loudest and longest). Daniel usually does irritating things, but this was too much for the hormones. Little Bully, meet Big Bully.
And when the boys somehow got water all over the table, chairs and floor and then left it? I waved the soggy mail I'd peeled from the table, lectured them and dealt a punishment. If I can't count on the oldest ones to show some responsibility, I expect the crankiness to last a while.
Since I'm so cranky, I feel like it's showing weakness to smile or laugh, even when it's deserved. Earlier today Rebekah yelled from Joseph's room, "Joseph is drawing all over his arm!"
Me: "What is he drawing with?"
R: "A pen."
Me: "Did you take it away?"
There is a pause. The next thing we hear is Rebekah saying to Joseph, "Give me that!" and then she yells out, "Yes!"
Everyone laughed, but I tried to keep it in (unsuccessfully).
Something else to add to the stress around here...Daniel's jaw is hurting again, on the other side. When Daniel is in pain, everyone knows. It becomes his excuse for everything he doesn't want to do. He is suddenly addicted to children's pain meds and lies around moaning, groaning and sometimes screaming. I guess I'll have to find him a chiropractor to go to around here. I know where one is 40 minutes away, but I'm hoping for a little less road time. Why is it that medical problems ALWAYS happen at the end of the week? It makes for very long, cranky weekends.
I've seen two quotes as I've been driving around this week. Some of you may have seen them, too. I'm only sharing them because I liked them. This is not a jab at anyone, nor am I trying to send any "messages" at all.
First one on a sign of a local church: Hold up your head but keep your nose at a friendly level.
Second one at a local business: Borrow money from a pessimist...they don't expect it back.