Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I'm really getting frustrated with the little things lately. I think Leah will be the one to push me over the edge. She is so bossy and whiney and helpless and attached. She yells at me if the computer game isn't working, she yells at me to help her in the bathroom, she CONSTANTLY asks for a snack and yells at me if she doesn't get one. When she doesn't want a snack, she wants to do a worksheet. I've created a monster! For Leah to do a worksheet, I have to do it with her. She doesn't think just coloring by herself is any sort of a treat. And to top everything of, she hovers and dominates the conversation with "Why?"

Daniel helps by beating up his siblings then looking at me confused when I send him to his room. Sometimes I just stand there speechless as I look at him in amazement. I realize that he's only six, but did he REALLY think he would get away with that?

I feel like I'm a step away from losing my sanity (or just plain losing "it"). My impossible dream is that Leah will leave me alone for an hour, Daniel will think of something pleasant to do to someone and Nathan will stop coming to me and asking, "What can I do?" -- We all know that's a loaded question because he doesn't actually want any of the suggestions you're realistically going to give him...he just wants you to drop everything and spend some time with him.

Which really brings us to the root of the problem. I need to spend time with my children but I don't think I have the time to do it. They want more than I can spare; I can spare more than I think I can, but feel like I don't have any to spare at all. My house looks like a battlefield, I have "what's for dinner?" running like a scrolling marquee through the back of my mind, and all 4 of my kids head in my direction whenever I enter a room.

Do you think I could find one of these on eBay?

1 comment:

  1. If you do find one of those on eBay please let me know!!!
