Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wa wa wa!

Rebekah is talking! She's using her tongue to make more sounds and even mimicing rhythms. Today she was copying Daniel who was playing on the other side of the room. He didn't even know she was doing it. :) Here is some video of her at her finest. She's also expert at playing "Where's Rebekah" (not as in Waldo, but as in Peek-A-Boo) and swaying along to music. I'll see if I can get those on video sometime.

Also cute, I heard Leah singing "I Am A Child of God" yesterday. She's almost got the whole 1st verse learned! I was sorry I didn't have the camera for that one!

We've been pretty busy, especially yesterday.
We now have 5 pints of apple jelly (from our apple trees in the backyard), 4+ pints of raspberry jam (thanks to a neighbor with too many raspberries)and some apple and raspberry syrup - all of which used 26 cups of sugar yesterday!
Chad mowed the lawn and accidentally mowed over a dead grapevine that was slated to be returned to the nursery (since it didn't grow) along with it's neighboring grapevine (who also didn't grow). We still returned those and got some plants to add to the flower bed on the west side of the driveway. We shopped the 50% off shrubs and got some good deals. Here is a picture of the flower bed now. The two shrubs on the left and the one on the right were just planted last night. The perennials in the middle were planted about 2 weeks ago.

I got more pillows finished this week. The one on the left is the original. There will be two more, identical to the the Ohio Star patterns. The one in the middle was created because I am not a math genius and cut the triangles WAY too small. I don't like to waste! They turned out so well, that I'd like to find a way to make and sell them. Maybe I'm just too proud of myself.
I cut the boys' (including Chad's) hair last night as they took turns on the slip-n-slide (not including Chad). Since it got up to 95 degrees here yesterday, it was not fun to stand out there and get covered with hair!
Chad and I finished up the day by folding a ton of laundry. I think my boys wear twice as many clothes as they need, yet only seem to run out of underwear!

On Friday: Chad learned that high chairs are normally not designed to be carried by the tray, especially with the baby seated (who knew?)! So after 6 years of use in our family, and given to us used, we have replaced the old and broken high chair with this. Ours has a Pooh fabric cover instead of what's pictured. Rebekah looks tiny in it!

It was a hot and busy couple of days, and now we're resting up on the Sabbath. The kids are racing down the stairs on a box that used to contain a highchair, chasing each other, yelling, fighting, making each other cry and generally being disobedient. Is your "day of rest" similar?

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