Friday, July 28, 2006

Unconditional Friendships

Sometimes a friendship is doing quite well and then one of the friends decides to move the friendship into a different setting. It's great when it can change like that.

If it happens that the moved friend doesn't feel comfortable in the new setting, he or she should not feel like it's a requirement to stay in the new setting.

He or she's a really lucky person when their friend can understand that old friend's interests and new circle of friends' interests are different and doesn't hold it against the friend for discontinuing the move.

Otherwise, the old friend feels shunned and wonders how much of a friendship was really shared before it all seemed to fall apart.

I think I've got a few friends that would never really click...but they are still my friends, even if they aren't close with each other. That's just fine with me. I don't want to lose any of those friendships.

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