Friday, July 28, 2006

I found one!

People often ask me if I've noticed any differences between my boys and girls. I usually tell them that Leah thinks she's a boy, so she pretty much acts like the boys. I haven't really noticed any big differences. Until now.

Here's the difference I've found:

Whine, whine, cry, throw a tantrum, cry, give an order, whine, tantrum, cry, order, scream, whine, pout, beg, get the idea.

This young lady is seriously starting to make me insane! My boys just try to knock your teeth out (Daniel mostly), but Leah is hitting me where it really hurts! And I wish I could explain to her that fruit snacks are not their own food group, and would she Please stop asking for them 10 times a day!?

In other news:
We seem to have a bug (not counting the crawlie kind...we are a safe house for those). Leah had a fever Monday and a little one Tuesday. She said it was her ears, but some hard earned cash at the clinic and we've proved that wrong. She still prays that Heavenly Father will help her ears to get better. She's very good! Yesterday Nathan was sick and feverish all day. During the night sometime, while I was up with Leah (threatening her with dire consequences if she didn't stop crying and screaming), Nathan woke up thirsty and I got 104.9 with the ear thermometer. His eyes are still glassy and red, but at least he's up and playing: coughing and spreading germs freely. His temp was down under 101. Anyone want to visit? I'm crossing my fingers that the other two don't get it. Chad said his ears were plugged today.

1 comment:

  1. With 3 girls I know about the Whine! Hope everyone gets better soon!!
