Sunday, July 09, 2006

Swinging Baby!

Here is Rebekah in the swing yesterday. To see it bigger, click on the YouTube logo in the lower right corner. (It was a lot of work to get to video level for this sad computer! You'd better REALLY enjoy it! :) ) Rebekah is working on her top teeth right now and we are all hoping they come through soon. She is miserable! There are 2 or 3 teeth working their way out right now. Leah was a little cranky at church today. I think her ears are still giving her some pains. How long does it take for the antibiotic to help? Maybe it's a viral thing after all.

I had all 3 of my regulars in class today. I have had to get resourcefull with these girls. They are very energetic and disruptive, and there's only 3 of them! First, I started giving them reading assignments for the next lesson. One of them had actually read it and was full of knowledge at the right times. (The lesson was on Samson.) Additionally, they are really bad about getting out of their seats and wandering/flittering around the room at random times. If you know me at all, you know that doesn't work for me.

So today I brought clothespins with their names written on them and clipped one to each of their skirts. I told them that if they got up, they had to give me the clothespin. If they could keep their clothespin the whole time each week, then I would let them pick a reward at our class party next month (lip gloss, smelly lotion, fingernail polish, etc.). No one got out of their seat!

As for the class party, I never have a party for "free." In the past, I/we have given out monthly scriptures to memorize. You have to earn your way into the party (reciting one at the door). This time I'm requiring them to learn the 13 Articles of Faith. They have to learn 6 of them by the party sometime mid-August and the rest by the Christmas party in December. I have individual charts for them and star stickers to mark them off. Now you may wonder, when do I have time for a lesson? That's been my problem all along. Maybe a little organization will be a blessing.

I agreed to take another teacher's class next week. Four older girls (two of whom can't be quiet to save their lives). If my own children ever get to the point that they disregard other adults when being instructed/directed, I'll make their lives miserable!


  1. All I can say is..."When do you get the time to write so much?" (Becca B.) I enjoyed reading about your life (and the lives of your other family members) and I'm glad you're all surviving, even if only barely. I look forward to reading future posts.

  2. You are the woman!! I am so impressed with your creative way to get them to sit still and memorize scriptures and the Articles of Faith. I'll have to keep the clothespin idea in mind. That was great! What age group do you teach?

  3. Oh and I almost forgot, the video clip was well worth the effort; it is so cute!!!!!

  4. I teach (girls)Valiant 9-going-on-16! ;)

  5. Baby just doesn't get much better than that...other than a boston shake that is. :)
