Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What we're up to

We've now been through a whole week of school. Nathan's Back to School night was last night. Daniel's school does Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad on a couple of Friday mornings at the beginning of the year. This Friday is Muffins. Darn. I wish I was a Dad. I like donuts better!

I started helping in Nathan's classroom today. Every Wednesday until November. Just in time for the baby to be born. Today I supervised the kids gluing colored squares onto a picture of an elephant. What would that teacher do without me?

As you can see, I've done a few more scrapbook pages. These were from today and yesterday. I run in spurts. Tomorrow I may spurt into my sewing room. There's lots to do in there! Speaking of which, I was helping Nathan fill out a spotlight paper and for the line, "My mom works at___________," Nathan answered, "in her sewing room." For the record, I do work in other rooms of the house, too!

Our bishopric was changed this past Sunday. Chad was Exec. Sec., but is now a free agent. We're checking the caller ID every time the phone rings. Actually, we already do that, but now we're a little on edge about it. Chad is too good a man to stay under the radar for long.

I get to teach this Sunday. Notice I phrased that positively. It's from Pres. Hinkley Priesthood Session talk, "I Am Clean." This is my 3rd lesson and second one from the Priesthood Session. I felt guilty for not recognizing the talk until I realized that I didn't attend that session! I am currently trying to decide how much to say and how to say it. The talk isn't long, but the message could be and there are some points that have the possibility of offending (like the fact that flip-flops and/or denim skirts really aren't the best church attire) if not handled just right. I guess I'll just rely on the Spirit and trust in the results.

The weather has really cooled this past week or so. I went from melting to cold toes during naptime. However, I refuse to wear socks in August. We didn't even reach 70 degrees today. I am actually very grateful that we never broke 100. Very close, but not quite. Somehow, I can still work up a sweat during the day. I should lounge around more! Maybe I should do more scrapbook pages. ;)

I wanted to take a picture last week, but don't usually have my camera while I drive around town. So you'll just have to visualize. Our little town got it's 2nd traffic light last week. It's fully functioning and even has turn arrows! Of course, they are usually just blinking yellow. It's still a small town. The light didn't actually increase the traffic. I'll bet the bus drivers appreciate it though. It makes crossing the busiest street in town a little easier. (Busy means you might have to wait for up to ten cars in a row to pass before you can go.) My favorite part about it all is that they reconstructed the train track crossing there. No more muddled brains as you are jolted over the tracks!

Leah told me today that her owies make her blood wiggle. Then she showed me a wiggle (in case I was unclear?). Too bad you missed that one! She also informed me that she has owies all over her body. I believe it because she is howling constantly.


  1. I am like you, Can not wear socks in the summer. Well I broke them out tuesday. I FROZE!!! I am in a sweat shirt and long pants an SOCKS as I type! Good luck sunday I wish I could come and listen.

  2. Can you believe our little town is growing!?! Leah is just adorable and I wish I could have seen her "wiggle"!

  3. I just noticed that while I was leaving a comment here on your blog, you must have been leaving one on the LDS digimoms! Thought that was kinda funny. I had just barely posted that! You're fast! (even at leaving comments)
