Thursday, August 16, 2007

School Days!

Guess what today is?


I'll bet you can't tell I was looking forward to this. Daniel has been excited, too, but not as much as me!

Here are the kids in our traditional first day of school picture. They look like a cell phone service commercial. We just need one more kid.

The boys got haircuts last night and everyone got a bath. The boys had fun picking out their clothes this morning. We watched them walk to the bus stop and climb on the bus. I couldn't help but wonder how Nathan was feeling about everything.

In our small town, all the kids ride the bus together to the high school and then the younger kids change buses and are driven to their own schools. We don't have neighborhood schools. Instead, we are divided by grades. For us, this meant that Daniel and Nathan got on different buses. I hope Nathan didn't have any trouble finding the right place to go. I assume there were people to help out.? Yesterday, Daniel said to Chad, "There's only one thing troubling me." He was worried about Nathan getting the right bus, too. Isn't that sweet?

The bus comes to our stop at 7:33 AM. An hour later, I had the floors mopped now I'm pooped. I've got to use my time more effectively! Leah's already complaining that I won't let her watch TV. I'm so mean.

The other night we were grocery shopping and Nathan thought it would be funny to eat something he found as we went down the baking aisle. It looked like it had been some kind of flour. He and Daniel thought it was hilarious. Being the perfect mother, I told him not to do that because he had no idea if what he eats is going to make him sick or not. So what do I wake up to that night? Nathan is standing in his room, crying, with a pile of vomit in front of him. And the smell was horrible. He was sick for about an hour and then fine. Is it coincidence or did he really get sick from the mystery flour? I'm not sure, but I let him believe it all his fault (because I am the perfect mother). I don't think he'll be doing that again!

Speaking of perfect. I just want the world to know that I am married to the perfect husband. Thanks for everything, Chad!


  1. I can not believe that I sat down this morning and trun on the computer and you have already bloged school pictures!! Where did your energy come from? Mopped your floors too!!! You are an amazing woman. Nathan you are crazy! I hope he learned his lesson. Relax and enjoy your morning -2!

  2. I blogged BECAUSE I didn't have any energy left. Sitting at the computer was a time to catch my breath!
