Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bad hair

Rebekah had a little bun on the top of her hair for church today. This is what she was left with when we took it out. It's one of those things that you really need to see in person to fully appreciate, but maybe you can get an idea from these pics. So funny.

Not so funny...Leah let out an ear-piercing scream in the middle of sacrament mtg today. Poor youth speaker. I'm sure no one heard 2 or 3 of her words during that moment. Some may have been temporarily deaf while their hearing slowly returned. I made a quick exit with the ear-splitter until she could calm down. Now people won't be thinking she's such an angel!


  1. Funny pics!!! As for the high-pitch scream, I was unaware of it. I must have been dealing with my own kids!
    On a side note, your lesson today in Relief Society was just wonderful. You do such a good job and I look forward to your lessons... as do others! Rachel was telling me today how much she enjoys them as well.
    Good Job!!!

  2. Thanks...I was feeling a little down about how I felt the lesson went. Your words mean a lot!

  3. You lucky ladies who get to go to the big girls class!! I want to come and listen to your lessons!
    Oh and I didnt hear her screaming I was too busy updating Primary rolls during sacrement. CUTE HAIR!!
    Oh and Mike thought is was cool that someone else has kids like ours!

  4. If you hadn't said her hair was from being in a bun all day I would have thought she rubbed a balloon all over her head!
