Thursday, August 16, 2007

Report of the First Day

Nathan had no trouble getting on the right bus this morning. There were some teachers there to help him. Daniel almost had some trouble as those teachers tried to put him on the Kindergarten bus, too! Daniel told me this right after he said, "I feel taller." Apparently, not tall enough.

Daniel got to sit right next to his favorite friend from last year. He knew this friend would be in his class and was hoping to be so lucky.

Nathan reported something about someone (an adult I think) "finding" (?) gingerbread cookies in the school. He only got one. This is a story I'm still trying to get all the answers to.

Nathan had homework and had to suffer through lunch before he could do it. (We're really mean to each other in our family.) Daniel didn't have any.

Daniel felt like the day was really long. Nathan didn't.

Nathan now knows how to work the drinking fountain.

Their mom is hoping they fall right to sleep tonight!!!!


  1. It sounds like an okay first day of school! Jaden's favorite thing about 1st grade was eating lunch... they must make better corn dogs than I do!

  2. Fun blog. I remember those days so well :-)

    Glad I found your blog. I teach RS, also--the even #s in the manual. How about you?

    You and your fellow bloggers are welcome to come visit my blog anytime. I have a free contest running, called "Spotlight the Youth," which not many have entered so far. Some fabulous prizes. Closing date is August 31st. So why not spread the word--and send in an entry while the kids are at school?

  3. I'm so incredibly jealous that your kids have started school already! We don't start until October 1. Ugg. Glad it all went well!

  4. I read all of your blog and I have a major concern about the video from YouTube(?). I want to know what happened to the green bus.

