Monday, August 13, 2007

How sad am I?

I haven't posted since the 2nd? What's wrong with me?

I have been in the land of living peoples. I have been working on Leah's blanket, finished the blessing afghan, started another baby afghan, made one of my maternity dresses (and wore it two days in a row), getting school supplies together (THEY START ON THURSDAY...YIPEE!!!), cleaning house, doing a little Family History and fighting a higher level of fatigue than I expected.

Today Daniel and Nathan have a dentist appointment. Tomorrow, they have school registration.

I did one scrapbook page. Check out this blog page to see all the pages our little ward group has done so far.

It was a warm one last night. The temp in the room was 81.5 when I turned out the light and a chilly 76 when I got up this morning. Lovely. I thought I was going to sweat all night. I was directly under the fan which was Mach 5.

Rebekah asked me, "Why?" this morning. Oh no, it's finally got her. They all have the WhyBug now.

And now I'm off to clean the bathrooms. Gross.


  1. I just love to read your blog!! You make me laugh everytime! I have missed your thoughts! I finally bloged last night too. SCHOOL!!!;0) And I couldnt get to sleep until 1:00 last night I even had an ice pack on my head to try and cool me off!! Kristy

  2. It will be so nice to have school start again! I think I saw you wearing the maternity dress you made at church. You are such a very talented (and busy) woman!!!
