Sunday, May 06, 2007

Now you see me, now you don't.

Yes, I am here. It's hard to believe, even for me! I just thought I'd check in and let you know that nothing has changed. I have about 4 weeks left of this misery.

I am truthfully doing nothing around the house. Sometimes I change a diaper, sometimes I make lunch for the kids. I wash the clothes on Saturday and sometimes I fold them. Apparently, I don't sweep the floor. It is quite gross. From the amount of junk under the table and in the surrounding areas, you'd think I don't even own a broom.

The last time I swept (and mopped, even), Daniel celebrated by systematically flicking tiny pieces of tortilla chips onto the floor durring dinner. I wanted to kill him. I yelled instead (not much better). When Leah clears her spot at the table after lunch, she picks up her paper plate and holds it down by her side on the way to the garbage can. By the time she throws it out, the plate is clean enough to use again! I won't even bother describing what Rebekah can do with food.

We do have some good news to share. We were able to use our Tax Refund to get rid of all our credit card balances. Our only debt now is the house (which we just refinanced). So now we can actually create a respectable savings account and pay for this baby (I feel like I've already paid enough though).

I finally have some pictures to share. It's so cool that I can upload the pictures from the main computer downstairs while I working on the laptop upstairs. The downside is that I can't see what the picture is until it loads.

These first pictures are my lastest project in the house. Everybody gets their own frame and the sentence on top is from the scriptures; "Thou deliveredst unto me...talents" We still need to put something in the girls' frames.

The next pictures are from the combined family project to clean out Grandma's stagnant pond. We were hoping to find out the pump worked. We were disappointed. But there was some awesome teamwork for an hour or two. (P.S. VERY STINKY WATER!)

Later, was an Easter Egg hunt for all the cousins.

Hmmmm.....I don't seem to actually have any pictures of the cousins. But here are the kids!

The next morning was our Easter Sunday and the kids hunted for eggs again, in their Easter clothes. We had eggs in the fridge for a long time. Nathan started out liking egg salad sandwiches, but has since changed his mind.

1 comment:

  1. You're right- I've not commented forever! Sorry. Can you forgive me?
