Friday, May 25, 2007

HOLY COW!!! Uh...I mean HOG!

I challenge you to find a picture more eye-popping! This 11-year-old boy shot this 9'4",1,051 pound wild pig while hunting with his father in Alabama. They are mounting the head (and can I just say...GROSS!), and plan to get 500-700 pounds of sausage from the rest of it.
I would never have believed that a wild pig could get so big. And just what did it eat in a day? That boy is lucky he killed it in time. He looks just the right size for lunch.
That beast must really smell bad.


  1. WOW! Remind me never to go to Alabama!

  2. Elijah looked at this picture and said, "that is NOT a pig, it's a hippopotamus!" I'd almost believe it--Yuckky!!

