Monday, May 21, 2007

Microphones and Kittens

Those two words don't seem to really go together, but pretend with me. It keeps me from having to post two separate times. (We really are lucky to be getting this one.)

I've had a request to blog about my stunning performance on stage Thursday night. And since one person said they were interested, I figured there had to be at least one other curious person out there. So for those two people, I will give you all the fascinating details.

First, I have to say that Daniel's TaVaci performance was very cute. Daniel did ham it up a bit, but not as obvious as the Christmas concert. All of the numbers performed were cute and well done with exception for a number did by some older boys. They didn't have enough volume to project the words they were singing. (That's probably the only time those boys are too quiet!) I've ordered a DVD of the evening, so we can relive the show over and over.

One of the funnier parts of the evening was when Daniel stepped up to the microphone for a speaking part and ended up about two inches below it. He kind of stood there in a helpless/goofy sort of way until the teacher came up and lowered it for him.

After Daniel's show was over, we all (my mom & step-dad, my dad, and my little family) piled into two cars and drove about 5 blocks to another building where our stake and the community Methodist church were combing for a night of musical talents. I had been asked to perform a song with some other ladies from church. Notice I said "perform" and not "sing." It would have been much easier to simply sing as I am not a performer. I let these women know that I was going WAY out of my sizable comfort zone to do any actions. I have to admit that only singing would have been boring (but safe).

We sang "Sisters" in 3 parts. I was first soprano. The 2nd soprano and alto are much taller than I (who isn't, right?) so we started out the song only to stop after singing about 3 measures so I could go and get a stool to stand on. We got some good laughs off of that. We did different motions throughout the song and had a part in the middle that was about 25 measures of patting out a rhythm on our legs then clapping and snapping. We never could get it perfected, but it was good enough. After a refrain and a few more measures of patting/clapping/snapping, I jumped off my stool on the last note from the piano.

I was glad when it was all over! I had been thinking and worrying about that dumb song for 2 weeks. It didn't help that I had been feeling pretty sick the whole day.

Speaking of sick, take a look at this video of the kittens. This was the last time I let them eat at the same time. It was by special invitation only after this disgusting brawl.

I was having a hard time trying to figure out how they could go from this

to this (don't miss clicking on this picture!)

in such a short time. I cleaned the bathtub AND bathed all 5 kittens twice on Friday. Normally, I don't like smells in my house. Lately, I can't stand them. So while I was getting ready to clean the tub Saturday morning, I decided that if I could take care of the kittens, so could someone else! (I had been waiting until they were a little older before trying to find them homes.)

I bathed the 3 male kittens and boxed them up with a FREE KITTENS sign. The girls and I (Chad and the boys weren't back from the Father/Sons Campout) drove to the parking lot of the town's grocery store where they were having a community garage sale. A sunburn and two hours later, I returned home without the kittens. So now we only have to two females left and things don't get quite as messy. As soon as the two kittens get older and show their personalities, we'll keep one and find a home for the other. (The females are the gray and white kittens in the litter box.)

So now, there won't be any more of this! Sheesh! You can barely see the plate!

I have cleaned this tub more in the past week than in the whole 3 years we have lived here!


  1. Arlyn,
    Don't forget to post the video that Chad took of your performance.

  2. Yeah! I want video of your performance!! Daniel is pretty darn hammy and cute! Those kittens are pretty cute too (but no- I don't want one).

  3. Sorry...there was no video. Just two dark pictures.

  4. Sheesh... that is one evil looking cat!

  5. I think it is cute that you and Daniel both played the same too-short-for-the-microphone trick in the same night!

  6. Wow those kittens sure can make a mess!!! I'll bet you're glad the night of performances is over. Now you can find something new to stress over :)
