Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dare I even hope????

I think things are starting to get better. I don't feel as hopeless as I used to. The yuckies are getting a little less yucky, too. Unfortunately, they are still bad in the evening which still leaves the burden of dinner and bedtime on Chad. I feel guilty that he's doing all the work, but yucky enough not to help. And I usually don't feel like being grateful is enough. Does anyone want to take a Friday afternoon off sometime next month and come up here to go fishing with Chad for a couple of days? I think he should get away and do something he never gets to do anymore.

Speaking of getting away (and more reason for me to feel guilty), I'm going to Time Out For Women the second weekend in June. It's only 45 minutes away from here, so I don't have to be gone overnight. There are a few of us from the ward/neighborhood that are going. It will be fun to get to know these ladies a little better. Being in Primary has kind of sucked me into a social black hole.

Next week is going to be a little crazy for us. Daniel's singing group is having their Spring concert on Thursday and some of Daniel's grandparents are driving up for it. (Anyone else that wants to come is certainly invited! It's FREE.) The same night, I'm singing with 2 other ladies in a community music/talent night. Daniel's thing is at 6, ours is at 7 ish. The day before, Daniel has like a 5 hour practice and sometime in there, I'm having a practice, too. I'm counting on this morning sickness really getting better because usually by 7PM, I want to crawl under a rock. Instead I will be singing the soprano part and doing goofy actions (how do I get into these things so far out of my comfort zone?). Oh yeah, and I get to stand on a stool the whole time - part of the act because I'm so much shorter than the other 2 women.

Rebekah is still not talking, but is making some progress. She's started nodding. You can tell it's tricky because she has to pause before she gets started. It's pretty cute, though. She does it with a little grin on her face. Maybe she knows she's so cute.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. I hate the pregnancy grossness. You get it a lot worse then me. Good luck on all the singing.
