Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good-bye SUMMER!

School starts tomorrow. Hallelujah! I am looking forward to a little peace and harmony around here. I hope I still have a chance to get some. At least the number one antagonist will be gone for 8 hours, as well as the number one negative complainer. No one will be hitting us as they walk by and we can eat our lunch in peace without hearing someone say they don't want that.

Their school bags are packed. I wrote names/initials/identifying marks on 16 glue sticks, 1 bottle of glue, 4 large erasers, 72 crayons, 29 pencils, one pencil sharpener, 3 notebooks, 1 folder, 2 rulers, 2 file boxes, 2 pairs of scissors, 12 colored pencils, 1 set of watercolors, 12 markers, and 2 pencil boxes. (There may be something else, but I'm remembering off the top of my head here.) Also included, but not marked, are 2 containers of disinfectant wipes and 3 large boxes of tissues.

We made the boys get up early this morning - the same time they need to get up for school. They both wore a new pair of shoes in honor of the "practice". Nathan said they came from SPU and Daniel disagreed, saying they came from FeeDex. At least I don't shop online so often that they actually know what those delivery companies are really called!

We've been having fun with skunks lately. We actually caught one in our trap. That one is buried now, but it's relative got revenge on us and stunk up our yard and house pretty good Sunday night. One of the cats sure smelled like skunk today. Lovely little critters.

Here are some scrapbook pages I've done recently.

"Relax" by Summer Driggs



1 comment:

  1. Holy crow, you're on a roll!! Sweet scrapping, girl.
