Saturday, August 02, 2008


On the last day of swimming lessons over two weeks ago, Leah sliced two of her fingers on the edge of the slide (she was holding on tight because she didn't want to go down!). One finger healed; the other didn't.

I took her to the doctor today to get some help for her and she was given an antibiotic (she has a skin infection). When I gave her the medicine tonight, Rebekah wanted some too.

She said, "I cut my finger on the slide at swimming lessons. I goed to the doctor."

Well, she was unsuccessful at convincing me that she should get some medicine so she went to plan B. Leah has some first aid ointment (think Neosporin) on her finger and a band aid. Rebekah helped herself to some first aid ointment. I'm not sure where she got any on herself, but I'm sure that the counter, floor and several handles in the bathroom will be protected from infection.

1 comment:

  1. That stuff is no fun to clean up, it is practically water resistant. Good luck with that one. :D
