Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First day of school

The boys have been gone for 3 hours now. I think they were both excited to go and I'm excited for them to come home and tell me all about their day. I think Nathan is excited to eat lunch at school. He'd better eat it's $1.50 this year!
I only have 3 kids at home now. Four years ago, 3 kids seemed overwhelming. Now I'm glad it's ONLY 3? Ah, perspective!
Leah is just about killing me with her whining for a snack, but other than that, we're getting along marvelously.


  1. I bet you are loving having two kids in school! Hallalujah! And now you "only" have three at home. Who knew that would be easier with "only" three at home? the book when I got home yesterday...beautiful condition,can't even tell it has been used. Thanks!

  2. Yay for school! I can't believe your kids are so old!

  3. I'm just really impressed that you scrapbooked about it the day of! Pretty soon you'll be scrapbooking future events ;)

  4. Oh, MAN! If I could see the future, things would be SO much different around here!

  5. Super cute, page!

    I know the feeling of being truly thrilled about having 2 or 3 kids home instead of all 5. haha
    Yep, perspective changes everything doesn't it!

  6. I see you're friends with Amber! Amber and I (Soggy Cheerios) are good friends! Thanks for reading my blog!

    $1.50 is CHEAP! We pay $2/lunch this year, but my friend in CA is paying $3.25. Can you believe that?! She said she was just gonna go pick him up a happy meal every day. Ridiculous.

    My kid #2 starts Preschool on Monday and I'm giddy with the excitement of only having 2 kids at home. It's gonna be so quiet!
