Monday, November 05, 2007

Promised pictures

It's really a video. Not all the lights were on in every room, so I hope you can get the general idea. I got two exterior shots of the house as well. You want more than that? You'll have to at least drive by!

Daniel stayed home from school today with a fever (2nd night in a row for that) and it still wasn't gone this afternoon. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to slow him down and make him sleepy. I really like those kinds of illnesses in my children!

The kids have adjusted really well to their new school. Daniel remarked that his new teacher wasn't a grandma! It might seem like a strange comment, but it's the first teacher he's had that wasn't. She may even be younger than me, but I'm not 100% on that (only 90%). Nathan used to say that his original teacher was the nicest teacher in the school. There's probably a lot of truth to that. After his first day in the new school, he was excited to report that his new teacher was the TALLEST and NICEST teacher in the whole school. I can tell you a breathed a sigh of relief at that statement!

The bus drops the boys off right at the driveway, since we're on a rural route. I was glad that I waited outside for them the first day since the kindergarten driver knew she had Nathan, but had no idea where he went. Daniel's bus nearly didn't stop, but I was so obvious that she did anyway. She didn't even know Daniel was on the bus. She does now. She's also in our ward and supposedly only lives up the street a bit.

Until this morning, our house had no address markings at all. Now, the address is on both sides of the mailbox. I still have some numbers for Chad to tack up onto the front of the house. I want people to know where to deliver my children!

The people at church were very nice. I probably remember 15% of the names I heard yesterday. When we moved to this area the first time, one family came up to us in the chapel. They were the ward mission leaders at the time. This time, I lost track of how many people introduced themselves. While it was helpful to get to know people quickly, I hope they don't give me a calling like Enrichment Leader in this ward. At least not for a while.

The boys both knew kids from their school classes in their primary classes. I think that made them feel more comfortable. We had our first Sunday at the same time as two other families, one of which moved from the same ward we did. Their last name is only two letters different from ours. We had to chuckle.

Leah went right into her Nursery class and didn't even spare a good-bye wave for us. She'll be fine. We didn't put Rebekah into Nursery because she seemed to be coughing up a lung and wasn't very friendly. Chad got that job for the rest of the meetings.

We're still moving a few things out of the house. It's mostly left-over junk by now. Chad's currently working on the food storage room. That's lots of #10 cans! We have a few things left in our bedroom and the hall closets. There are four cupboards and three drawers left in the kitchen and some cleaning supplies in the laundry room. The computer and desks are left as well as all of Chad's office. Some incidentals in the living room round us out and then we're left with the garage. OY! the garage!

I went to Daniel's parent-teacher conference a bit ago and Nathan's is in 15 minutes. Daniel's teacher had glowing reports (I wish that boy would come home to live with us) and I expect Nathan's teacher will be the same.

We're getting the internet set up at the house on Thursday. So I may have to sign off until then. I'll try not to go into withdrawals!


  1. I am so glad to see a MOVIE of your house! I love your new house. How do you like those stairs with being prego. and all! I totally cant figure out that other family that moved to your same ward. Our ward was so quiet this week. with 8 kids moving out all in the same week. David was actually good in class. Daniel wasnt there to bug.

  2. Looks great! I love how the boys and girls are separated playing... I can't believe you were even willing to move being as pregnant as you are. Good luck!

    So what are you going to do with all the land?
