Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Closing today

We have our closing scheduled for 3 pm this afternoon. This means I'll be cleaning much of the day tomorrow.

We got a better look at the roof and more information. It's not the best fix (and, uh, I could have done it that well), but it looks like it will be ok for now. We're still getting $150 credit to have it properly done when we're ready. It's because of a bunch of cables that are fastened to the outside of the house. (Apparently, part of the house was once used as a call center of some sort.) When they put the cables up, they drilled through the siding and now water drips along the roof and cables into the hole. And it's on the back side of the garage, leaking into the sheathing of the garage wall = no damage to the walls of the house itself.

Anyway, I'm really grateful that we've got plans to replace the carpet since we were overcome with the stench of pet odor in the master bedroom. She must have a had a good air freshener going when we walked through before! I've got to shampoo the carpets that aren't being removed and clean, clean, clean. The bathrooms and kitchen were left in a pretty state and the walls of the house are badly in need of paint. Have I mentioned that I'm having a baby soon? It may even be sooner!

Speaking of having this baby, my delivery has been formally scheduled with the hospital. We have to be there at 5:30 am on 13 November. That's exactly 4 weeks from today!! I'd be dishonest if I said I wasn't looking forward to the drugs that will force me into sleep. I wish I had some already! Now if I could just find some way to keep the nurses away from me so I can really get some rest! :)

I have been scrapbooking some old pictures of myself. It was because of a challenge we had with our ward SB group. I caution you, one of them is of me in a bikini...so peek at your own risk!

Rebekah was arguing with me because she thought these were pictures of her. I think I've finally convinced her that Mommy used to be little, too!


  1. Arlyn, It sounds as if the situation has become dire. Whatever you do, do not read your horoscope.

    I realized that cadavers are used for medical research and if you answer the dead body survey questions showing the most negative aspect of your health, the score is higher. Here is my really sick body score:

    Congratulations, your dead body is worth $6685!
    Doesn't that make you feel great? (Not my comments, but that higher dollor value means the person never feels "great.")

  2. Yea! you get to move into your new house! I hope all goes well with your baby! Dont over kill the cleaning. I can help when I get over being sick. Call you Home Teacher he wants to help but is SHY! I can volunteer him if you tell me when and where. ;0)
