Saturday, September 29, 2007

A New Word

Rebekah learned a new word this morning: SNOW. There was a light dusting of snow on rooftops and scattered around the yard this morning.

It let up for a while, but it's back and there are some pretty heavy flurries right now. I don't know that any of it will accumulate as it's already 11 am.

Chad and I were trying to remember the first day of snow last year. I would be surprised if it was earlier than 29 September!

We have the house mostly clean in case we get our first call for someone to look at the house. I'm doing laundry, so that's still undone, but otherwise, I'd only need to wipe down the kids' bathroom and empty garbages. With nothing to do, and yardwork a no-go today, we're wishing someone would call and give us an excuse to leave the house. We don't want to go for no reason and then get a call that sends us right back out shortly after returning home.

It's funny that I can find all sorts of things to keep me busy when I'm supposed to be cleaning. And now that there isn't any cleaning to do, I'm not sure what to do! It's a world of irony.

News on the stray cat round-up: I brought in one more cat to the shelter yesterday. I returned the trap as it seems that was the last. So in two weeks' time, I delivered 9 cats/kittens to shelters in the area. That seems like a lot for one little address in the city!


  1. What is up with all this SNOW! I wanted to do yard work too. Enjoy these days where all the house work is done and you can rest.

  2. You're having snow and here it is still so hot the kids don't want to go outside and play!
