Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Y ikes! and DOUBLE Yikes!

Nathan had his five year well check yesterday. He also got his school shots. He had to get 3 and so one arm got two. He didn't have to be restrained...he was very good about that. But he did cry. A lot. Tears were pouring from his eyes and he kept saying, "It hurts!" The nurse really felt sorry for him. The Dr.'s office usually gives the kids a sticker after a visit, and Leah was even given a dum-dum sucker after her shots (she didn't cry). The Dr. himself gave Nathan a coupon for a free ice cream cone ( I think they forgot that with Leah). But the nurse really felt sorry for Nathan and so he walked out with a sticker, a dum-dum, his coupon, a bottle of bubbles and a little toy dinosaur. He could barely carry everything! The nurse said she was a Grandma now and didn't worry about spoiling anymore. I mentioned she might be out of control. She agreed.

He was so affected, he couldn't buckle his seat by himself. This morning, his arm with two shots is red, hot and a little swollen. We're giving him lots of acetaminophen.

Daniel has learned a new word. I heard him in his room last night and thought he said "suck." That is a banned word in our family. I started to explain this to him and he stopped to correct my misunderstanding. (What he said only rhymes with that word.) When I heard the "correction" come out of his mouth, I got much more serious than I had started out. This of course shocked him and I think he got embarrassed. I had to explain to him that I wasn't mad because he didn't know about that word yet and when he got older he would know what it means and understand why it's bad.

All this led into a discussion about being "clean" in our words, thoughts and things we do so the Holy Ghost can help us when we're older. Nathan even got included. So maybe I'm grateful that my six-year-old learned the 2nd worse swear word? (He already informed us that he "knows 'dog' spelled backwards" is the worst swear word.) I think I would prefer he didn't have to know about those things (at least for another 20 years)!

Rebekah has learned a new word, too: "Uh-uh." :)

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