Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Rebekah is firmly engaged in the germ warfare. She has been running a fever for two days now. She started coughing on Friday and started throwing up because of the coughs on Sunday night. There's nothing like hearing a four month old cough until she's out of breath and then the subsequent gagging as she vomits (mostly mucus). She did not sleep well at all last night. I hardly got any sleep at all. (Normally, this is one of my exaggerations, but this time it's very accurate.) Chad left for Las Vegas last night @ 6 PM and won't be home for another couple of hours yet. He missed out on last night's party! I eventually tried out several "sitting-up" positions in bed that allowed me to sleep without dropping Rebekah or myself out of the bed. She wanted to be held, but couldn't sleep horizontally because of all her goop. Just before 7 AM, she was exhausted enough to sleep in her swing! By then, I had Leah in the bed with me because she kept waking up and screaming from her room. I slept in until 8 and let the boys fend for themselves (which they're used to doing).

Leah found out today that not everything wrapped like candy IS candy. She saw me grab a cold lozenge and snuck one for herself. When she came out with sticky hands, I knew she'd been into something. I just found the discarded "candy" on the shelf of the headboard.

Leah is running a fever (102 F) tonight. We thought she was done! I'm hoping that this doesn't mean this gunk has two parts. Daniel missed school yesterday and today because of a 3-day fever (103F). I would really like to see him go back tomorrow. :)

We found a new home for Houdini. A family that used to live in the ward, but moved to Ucon last year, will give him a home. They're hoping he'll be a good mouser. I hope so, too. The only chance he got to show his stuff around here was a bit embarrassing. But he does catch birds and squirrels in the yard. At least they'll let him in the house. He's moved into the garage and meows at us from there often. He occasionally gives us the slip and sneaks into the house that way. I often find him on top of the van when I go out, and he was there yesterday when I went to go walking at the church. When I got out of the van to knock on my neighbor's door, I found him STILL up there! He'd ridden to the mouth of the circle on top of the van. He probably thought he was surfing. I guess that little "knock" sound I heard as I left the garage was his head hitting the garage door! Dumb cat. My neighbor got a good laugh out of it. She had watched me drive up and said it looked like something from a cartoon. He gets his vaccinations tomorrow afternoon. Maybe that will help protect him from himself.

Chocolate had his shots and check-up yesterday. The vet said he's very healthy, except for the fact that he's FAT. Too many table scraps, I guess! He gained 11 lbs since last January. I feel his pain. His weight will probably come off a lot easier than mine (since he doesn't frequent the kitchen near as much as I do)!

Well, it's only a little after 9 PM, but it feels like the middle of the night to me. I hope I can get some sleep tonight. I'm way too cranky to be responsible for children as it is. My children will look back of pictures of me smiling and wonder who that person is, because they sure never met her before! And I just have to mention Nathan by name, because I mentioned everyone else! :) (At least I'm a fair cranky mommy!)

Here's to a good night's sleep!

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