Thursday, January 05, 2006

Germs, Germs GO AWAY!

Leah got pretty sick before she started getting better. But we know she's going to be ok because she's started yelling at us again. So pleasant. :) The doctor had given us Singulair samples, Xopenex for the nebulizer, a cough medicine Rx and a very expensive 3 day bottle of Zithromax (the zebra on the bottle was what encouraged Leah to even try it). I am very careful when I give the zebra stuff because it's almost $13 per half teaspoon!

Because we like to share in our family, Nathan has started coughing. I've already given him some doses of cough medicine and a Singular tablet (don't worry, the Dr. ok'd it). I knew Nathan was next in line when he drank eagerly from Leah's sippy cup on Monday. I'm crossing my fingers that Daniel and Rebekah will be spared. It doesn't make me feel good when Leah comes up to Rebekah and coughs all over her face.

On the other hand, Rebekah is doing much better than she has in months. Since kicking the cat outside (he's currently at the window crying to come in), her runny nose has stopped and her breathing is much better. Coincidentally, the blocked tear duct she had since birth has also cleared up. So now she can see the world with 2 eyes. Of course, after sleeping in a swing for so long, she's not falling asleep in her crib very well. Two nights ago, she had me out of bed every half hour. I didn't feel too picked on though, since that's the night that Leah threw up all night long, and Chad took care of that - to the extent of sitting in the living room with her, covered in slime until morning. We were both very tired!

Rebekah had her 4 month well baby check today. She's grown two more inches to 25" and gained 2 more lbs. bringing her up over 13 lbs. The doctor jokes with me that "she's a giant for a Collett," but after he shared with me that her height is 25% and weight is 50%, I told him that the numbers would be coming down. My goodness! At 25% she's already started! :)

I have started walking in the mornings. I have been going to the church with a small (hoping it will grow) group of women and walking around the gym until we're dizzy. I have brought the boys with me and so it's not just walking, but playing "dodge ball," too. Today, Nathan was sick and didn't go, so it was "dodge Daniel." It's hard to get up so much earlier than I'm used to (which really isn't that early anyway), but I think it's beginning to give me a boost. Of course, I've known but never really admitted that I needed to exercize.

I help in Daniel's classroom on Thursday afternoons. The teacher usually has me work the math station, which I prefer over reading, but someday I would like to do the art station. That seems like less "hard nose" and more FUN! Today we worked with pattern blocks. Some kids definitely had a hard time visualizing what shapes would fill the space, but (and of course I'm bragging) Daniel had no problem at all and finished first in his group. Even I was a little surprised. There was one other boy who looked at the shape while I giving directions and had it completed on the table in front of him before I even handed out the cards.

Now it's nearly 10 o'clock. I have to start going to bed at a reasonable time since I have started getting up earlier. Maybe I can start to be healthier and loose some of this weight I've become so attached to!

1 comment:

  1. I've started going to bed later rather then earlier lately. It's a bad cycle- but I'm so much more productive at night when everyone is in bed and stuff isn't being undone behind me!
