Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cute and Irritating

This is a post about my oldest and youngest. I'll start with the youngest first. ;)

Sarah is sleeping in a toddler bed...has been for several months. She is pretty good about staying in it. She doesn't get out at bedtime, but she will sit in bed and cry a complaint or two! She does get out in the middle of the night or in the early morning when she thinks it's time to get up. If it's after 6 AM, I'll lift her into the bed and let her snuggle up. Don't think I use "snuggle" casually. This girl will try to become one with you!

If I am about ready to get up anyway, I enjoy the moment. She is my baby, after all! I am soaking up as much of this lovin' as I can get! But I do fear that it will go too far and I will have a screaming child on my hands in the middle of the night. I'm always weighing the decision to let her in the bed.

Last night, she came in just before 2:30 AM. Yeah...that's a little too early for me. I carried her back to bed and covered her up (with 4-6 blankets) and then heard her saying, "Lee-Lee...Beka. Lee-Lee...Beka."

How sweet that she wanted her sisters! Thankfully, she fell back to sleep for another 4 hours. In a year or so, she will love being upstairs with the rest of the kids (and then there really be a party at bedtime)!

And now to my oldest...

I'm going to chalk this all up to the fact that he's eleven. This is mostly because I can't bear the thought that it's a personality flaw.

Anyway, Leah was practicing her spelling words for a spelling bee today and tomorrow. She was stuck on a word and just as she was getting it, Daniel spelled it as he walked out of the room. Grr. I wanted to whack him in the back of the head! I yelled after him, which I'm certain really had a lasting effect.

As the kids were heading out the door and I was encouraging Leah to spell a word on her way out, Daniel did it again! Does he intend to be rude or is it just coming naturally? We seem to be struggling with gaining a level of consideration. Luckily, my foot was too far away from his rear end.

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