Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Little Parrot

Sarah is starting to talk.  As she just turned two, this may be an underwhelming announcement.  But it is a family tradition to be a little slow to start talking just before becoming a chatter box.  (Remember, Nathan didn't talk until he was THREE.)

Another family tradition is to resist help from others in learning to talk.  If someone tells you to say a certain word, the best response is grunt at them in a way that expresses they are bothering you.

Then there is Sarah.  She has been very willing to try new words suggested to her.  It is so cute to watch her (hypocritical) older siblings giving her talking lessons.  She has been such a good sport even if she hasn't been getting anywhere close to really saying anything. But she's good at getting enough syllables. 

Sarah say elephant.
Good job!

In the past week or so, something in Sarah's brain has connected and the words are starting to form.  This, with her desire to speak has created an interesting echo in the house.  Now I hear a tiny voice trying to mimic the last word spoken in the conversations we have.

Let's put the clothes away.  Way?
It's time for lunch.  Unch?
Mommy, will you cut me a Halloween bat?  Baa?

What a fun time we are having and those little echos are etching smiles onto my heart! 

1 comment:

  1. Cute now, but sassy later. Just wait until she uses her growing command of words to challenge your authority.
