Monday, September 12, 2011

Curse that Independent Streak!

Sarah is keeping up with her siblings and is so helpful (even when I don't want help). She pulls things out of the dishwasher faster than I can put them away. And if she sees me reaching for something, she tries to beat me to it just to hand it to me.

If she starts on a job of her choice, she really does not appreciate anyone trying to help her finish it. (Hmmm...I wonder where she gets that?)

So today when she had a stinky diaper, I should have been expecting something Sarah-like. I was sewing (Halloween pj's) and didn't want my momentum disrupted. When she brought a diaper, but no wipes, I tried to get Joseph to go find them. Instead, Sarah went to get them herself. Since she was in the middle of pulling her little pink pants off, I thought it would take her a while to shuffle there and back.

Next thing I know, she's back, without her pants, but with a second diaper which she was trying to put underneath herself. Her onesie was unsnapped and...sticking to her backside! YUCK! That little stinker (oh yeah, that pun is TOTALLY intended) had removed her diaper and put it into the diaper pail.

Her hands had a little bit of poop on them, but her bum was pretty yucky. Into the tub she went for a straight-from-the-spout shower. That was a dirty (pun intended, again) way to get my attention. And she succeeded in getting me to empty her diaper pail!

Are we ready for toilet training? That would be lovely, since it's starting to travel around the house!

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