Friday, January 16, 2009

Just so you know

Wow. I'd not checked into my blog for so long that I was surprised by the blue background and new header! Now that is sad.

Anyway, I realize that it's been a while since I popped in here. I've actually mentally posted several things, but I realize that doesn't mean anything to anyone but myself. (As is the case with so many things in my life.)

I have been busy with two specific things. One is a big contest for digital scrappers. It's called the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race (ADSR) and I've teamed up with someone to work together to complete challenges and create scrapbooking layouts. We have a blog and you can check in there if you're interested.

Also, those of you who know anything about me know that February 1 -15th is busy for me. I'm trying to get ready for Valentine's Day around here - plus take care of my usual responsibilities. All this is being thrown for a loop because I am in the beginning stages of morning sickness and would really rather just stay in bed. (Aren't you glad you read this far?)

Yes, baby #6 is on the way. If all goes well, she (I've already ordered) will be here the first week of September. I haven't actually seen a doctor yet...and don't have an appointment either. And if things don't work out well, (if it's a boy, for one) and this pregnancy meets a challenge or two, I've got that worked out with God. He supports me = I accept the trial. I'm not asking for grief here, but sometimes the peace of mind is a great strength.

Anyway, I really don't even feel like typing right now. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't stopped blogging - completely. And I still have a goal to reach 500 by... shoot, can't remember the actual goal.