Thursday, June 29, 2006


Rebekah has had a fever for two days now. She started out really cranky on Sunday and started a fever in the early hours of Wed. This morning she had a febrile seizure. Her arms and legs were stiff and trembling and she threw up a little bit. She was HOT! (I was out shopping with the kids yesterday when I realized that her fever from the night wasn't going away. I spent the whole trip trying to decide if teething REALLY does cause seems we've had them around here before.)

Well, enough of the fevers. I took her into the doctor this morning. He finally gave up trying to find something wrong and bagged her (for a urine sample), gave her some motrin, then sent us to get some blood drawn. She was already feeling pretty miserable. She completely lost her self-control when they stuck her for a syringe full of blood!

So now it's a waiting game. They said some of the results would be available by the end of the day. The blood culture needs to grow for 48 hours. By the time that comes back, she'll be back to Rebekah again. At least the motrin helped and she's cool again, dishing out smiles and begging for snacks.


The first bag fell off in her diaper and missed its chance to be useful, so I had to get another bag from the nurse and start over (about noon). I guess it's kind of like a watched pot never boils because Rebekah didn't even do anything until nearly 5pm. That bag had been coming off, too, but at least it caught some so we were able to find out that she has a bladder infection. The lab results from the hospital confirmed it.

She's on antibiotics now plus a prescription vitamin with iron since her results indicated that she's a little anemic (Dr. says it's very slight and not really a concern...just take these vitamins for a month.). So it was a long day of not much. I love that we're paying for a culture to grow that we don't even need now. I shouldn't complain. I would be shocked to find something else was hiding out there in her blood that needed this little event to uncover it.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry she has been sooo sick. Hopefully since they know what's wrong she can get better fast!
