Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever! (Ok, I know this is a little late - I'm not the best mom/wife ever!) Here are the kids after church last week.
I told them to line up for a picture and this is what I got. You may never guess that it was Daniel who started it! But, I'm learning, so I took the picture. And then I got them to turn around. Aren't they all so cute? Oh yeah, this is about Father's Day.
The kids all got a candy bar (well Rebekah didn't) from Primary to give to Chad and the boys got some candy from their teachers to give him as well. While we were walking out of the building, the boys loaded up their Daddy with sugar. Leah was holding the door open for Chad and as he walked through, she held her candy bar up to him and said, "I keep this." It was the funniest thing. There is a woman who knows the value of chocolate!

We gave Chad a bunch of stuff for his truck, from new windshield wipers, to a 30' tow rope. He's so hard to buy for! Of course, we personalized the gifts in silly ways and I loaded him up with a bunch more chocolate. He eats so much more candy since he met me! ;)

Chad is such a good Daddy and the kids, of course, love him! He does 95% of their baths and puts them to bed just as often. He stands at their doors and sings silly, made-up songs, and tells them "pretend stories" (off the top of his head). He's much better and more comfortable at it than I am, which seems strange, since I'm the one with the teaching degree. I guess I'm too grumpy by the end of the day.

Chad is good for a push on the swing, going fishing, riding around together in his truck, etc. He's so silly that sometimes I secretly record his antics! It's too bad no one outside of our family has heard him sing the ABC song cowboy-style or opera or underwater, etc!

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