Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sleep walking

We have two children that sleep walk: Daniel and Leah.

Leah is our more active of the two. She doesn't talk too much and we can't really understand what she does say.

Daniel can carry on a conversation when he is up, but it's a slow one. He usually has to make a trip to the bathroom and then can go back to bed. He may even wake up after he's taken care of business, but he usually doesn't remember his nighttime walks.

It's now 10 PM and Leah just headed down the hall toward me at a pretty brisk walk. I thought she would stop when she got to me, but she snubbed me and head past me to the laundry room. She walked right up to the washer and shut the door. (I keep it open as much as possible to keep it from stinking.) Then she turned around and came back into the hallway.

At this point, Chad intercepted her and escorted her back to bed. I don't think she uttered a single syllable.

That's a first for me! Who knew Leah had such strong feelings about the washing machine?

1 comment:

  1. Keep you eye on both. Daniel might start cooking while sleep walking, which could be dangerous, and Leah might start a load of laundry, which could be helpful.
