Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Question for the parents of school students

The boys went on a little field trip yesterday to the high school to watch a play. I guess the whole school went, possibly excepting the kindergarten. They had a fab time, of course. I first heard about the trip when Nathan mentioned it during his prayer before they left for school yesterday.

So my question is: Does your school take the kids off campus without first informing the parents?

I'm wondering if this is a new trend. I can remember having a permission slip for EVERY trip when I was in school.


  1. Our school only seems to require permission slips if the kids are going on a bus. But since our elementary school is in the heart of town - near the high school, parks, etc. - they will often take them on a walking field trip, in which case they don't send home permission slips.

    I have often wished, though, that they would send home permission slips (or at the very least notification slips) for each outing so that I know what my kids will be doing during the day. They require me to sign my child out every time I take him/her somewhere during school hours; I think they owe me the same courtesy.

  2. Here the kids have to have a permission slip for anything that will take them off school property. I wouldn't like it at all if my kids were taken out of school and I didn't know about it.

  3. I dont get anything about outings. I am a little upset about it too. What if my kids were on a bus that got hit by a van ;) and were in IF and I didn't know it.....

  4. Zach went to the high school for a rehearsal and they had to have a permission slip. I'd make waves if I were you!

  5. Whoa...that is freaky that you had no idea about that field trip. What if it was to the local pub, instead of the play? You might want to know about all the field trips going on out there in Rowdy Firth. :)

  6. Not only does our school require permission slips but if they do take the bus they ask for money!
