Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Pregnancy Curse

I haven't blogged much because I haven't felt like doing anything but sleeping on the couch. I did make it to the doctor last week, and he gave me a prescription for Zofran. It seems to work OK if I take a whole tablet (I could take a 1/2 but it doesn't seem to do anything for me). If I take 2 tablets during the day and a unisom/B6 combo at night, I feel less likely to run to the bathroom. Also, staying still and not talking too much, seems to help a great deal. Chad has been pulling double duty as father and mother. I am so grateful to him.

Another reason I haven't blogged much is because I don't want to irritate everyone with a bunch of "poor me's" and "I have it so bad's." Truthfully, I don't think it should matter what I write, since it's my blog and I don't have to answer to anyone about what I put in it (as long as it isn't illegal or immoral). However, I am not so naive as to think that I have that kind of autonomy.

All this got me thinking of the pregnancy curse. EVERYONE has an opinion about you and your pregnancy (of lack of). When I first got married, it seemed that whether I was pregnant yet or not was at the top of the chatter. It only took us 4 months to get pregnant with Daniel. It felt like we were slacking for even taking that long!

When I got pregnant with Joseph, I heard very loud stretches of silence before the question, "Another one?" And that wasn't from Chad who was working so hard to pay for it all.

With this pregnancy, I've tried not to make a big deal out of it. We'd planned for this one. It's the last one. The kids have been talking about the "new baby" since before Joseph could sit alone. I don't call my family and drone on and on about how bad I feel or how the economy is making it hard to afford anything.

Even so, it's amazing how a short, quiet announcement of a pregnancy starts people talking. Apparently, I'm not supposed to say anything negative about being pregnant because there are others who would really love to be pregnant and can't, so their feelings trump mine. OR, there are people who can't understand people who complain about morning sickness, because they've "been there, done that" and know it's not such a big deal. We apparently are all designed exactly the same and have the same experiences...so we know who the hypochondriacs are! And then there are those who know all about morning sickness because they get sick from the moment of conception until the day of delivery. You can't possibly be as sick as they were! (Yet, I've seen these people during different stages of their pregnancy...a little heartburn or upset stomach isn't quite the same as stomach in your throat, too sick to talk.)

I think I get moderately sick during pregnancy. I have 20-ish really yucky weeks, and then everything is GREAT. Those last few weeks are torture for everyone, I assume. I don't have to be admitted to the hospital, I don't miss weeks of church and I'm usually able to keep my head out of the toilet most of the time. I do wonder how in the world there are so many people on this planet when it feels so bad to be pregnant. Yay to those who don't get really sick...they are helping keep the earth populated!

And it doesn't just stop at morning sickness. Some people don't like kids. Some people don't like certain people to have kids. Some people don't like to see others having more kids than themselves. Honestly, sometimes I am "some people." But these are personal choices! To be made by the persons responsible. We have made no one responsible for our choices, but us. When we move into your house, start eating your food, making you watch our kids and use your money to support them, then you get to say something. When our kids are socially and emotionally dysfunctional and start affecting your family in some negative way, then you get to say something.

But right now, you don't get to say anything. And if it's such a bit deal for you, we won't make you come for a visit.

Now, this is just a general declaration. I'm addressing the world, but you know if you are the "you" I am talking to. I just had some feelings that were building up. Chalk it up to hormones.


  1. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I'm not the 'you' but I'm sorry all the same. Morning sickness stinks enough without people giving 'helpful' advice. Hang in there and I'm thrilled you guys are having 'another one'. You're a stable house with food and love and clothing and you're not asking anyone else to do it for you- I think that means you get to make you're own choices because you're grown ups. ;)

  2. Congratulations Arlyn (and Chad). I think it is wonderful and hard all in the same sentence. I am truly happy for you and your 6. You are always welcome at our house!

  3. You know you can take Prozac when you're pregnant.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I LOVE YOU!!!
    I have missed your blogging. I would read your complaints everyday. I am so glad that you can have more children than I can. I am SOOOO happy that you can deal with more children. If I had 10 of David I would have 10 kids. But my emotions/nerves can not handle anymore Kaitlyns. When I was a teenager I always said I would have a Large family. But now I know I can't handle any more children like me. You are the one that has to deal with your pregnancy and no one else. You get to complain! So what if others have it worse than you. You are an individual and can only handle as much as you personally can. Good Luck and vent as much as you need. I will listen!

    oops I commented under another name so I deleted it....

  6. I always enjoy reading your blogs. I feel like half the time you are writing exactly how I feel. {hug}

  7. I HATE being pregnant. There I said it out loud. I have 5 children- plan on at least one more and I hate the whole process it takes to get a baby here. {well, most of it. teehee}

    I love feeling the baby move in my belly {before it's enormous and hits the ribs-that is.} but that's about all I enjoy about preganany.

    This too shall pass, my love,....literally!

  8. I guess I am feeling guilty because I am one of those people and commented about it in my blog lately. Honestly, your pregnancy didn't even enter my mind.

  9. Well, I'll be!! I am happy for you guys! I love your kids! ALL of them!
