Monday, December 25, 2006

I can't find my kids

We have two large garbage bags of wrapping paper and packaging to fit into our city garbage can...somehow. It was a lost and found danger for quite a while there. We lost, then found Rebekah several times.

Santa showed up and left each kid new crayons, a coloring book and a single toy of their own. Then the gluttony started with the wrapped gifts under the tree. Daniel learned a lesson in being gracious and appreciative when he almost didn't get to open any more presents. (He had been disappointed with some new clothes...SO NOT FUN.) We didn't have too many $$ presents. The kids are still impressed with cheap stuff.

Chad and I bought each other an identical gift, so that will be the only thing we have to return. I'm sure the return line will be close to came from a local food/emergency preparedness store.

I wish I could say that Christmas is over, but I still have a quilt to quilt for a friend. Chad got me a quilting frame that goes up against the wall and tilts a bit, so that should make it a lot easier. I hope he can get it up and running quickly! I told her that I should have it to her by Valentine's Day! :{

We went to Sacrament Mtg and then home yesterday, as most people did.
I had sewn some matching jumpers for the girls and me. Here we are. Someone called us triplets! It all started when Leah really needed a dress that hung past her knees. You can see how quickly I let things spiral out of control.

The kids got a shark tent from their cousins. It swallowed them and their daddy right up!

Leah was a little wary of the teeth at first, but you can see that she was courageous and overcame her fear!

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