Friday, May 19, 2006


OWWW!!! My foot is slowly healing. But it can sure grab my attention! My kids keep asking me how the bump (bunion) on my foot grew there and if they will get one on their foot. It must seem pretty scary to a 4 year old! I got the dressing changed yesterday and got to see an x-ray of the screws in my big toe. Chad, of course, made a joke about me having a screw loose! My foot was swollen and black and blue, with a two inch long scar running up my foot, right over the bunion site. One more week with a bandage on, then a regular sock. I have to wear the boot for a total of 24 days. It's a pain to keep dry in the shower. So Monday I was still numb from the surgery and just sat in the rocking chair in the living room until bedtime. In the middle of the night, I got up (put the boot on) and went out to the kitchen for a drink and more ice. That was painful! I didn't get out of bed the next day except for 2 or 3 times to go to the bathroom. I finally left my room at 11:30 PM! Wednesday my foot felt a little better and I wasn't so bedridden, but I still stayed down much of the time. Thursday morning I spent in bed and then had my dr's appt in the afternoon. We went to Wal-Mart afterwards and I drove one of those motorized carts around. :) Today, I haven't been in bed much at all. Of course, I didn't get out of bed until 9 AM. My eye is infected with the dreaded pinkeye and so I feel like crawling back into bed since I can't open it all the way. It feels like one of those weird dreams where you can't wake up all the way and see what's right in front of you. Chad is taking the boys on the Father Son Campout tonight, so I have to prove that I can be self-reliant!

We have had some meals brought in and I have an awesome friend who brought me some movies and watched all four (pinkeyed) kids yesterday while I went to the dr. Another angel neighbor watched the kids in the morning (pinkeyed, also) while I had my surgery and got Daniel on the bus for school.

The kids have been coming into the bedroom to visit with me. Leah was especially attentive one day and sat with me for quite a while. They help Chad deliver meals to me and always come back in to ask if I want any more food. They have never complained about taking my dishes to the kitchen for me. There have been a couple times when all 6 of us were on the bed at the same time. My heart was full of gratitude for such beautiful children! I am truly blessed!

And on another level, Chad has been beyond amazing. He hasn't complained at all about having to be the mother and father and kitchen master. He has had pinkeye through the whole thing as well as just generally being sick (sore throat, etc.) Meanwhile, he's been trying to get work done while he waits on me hand and foot. How do I effectively express my gratitude to him? Make him a pie? Give him a night out by himself? (I don't think he'd go.) He is so amazing. It's earning him major points!

And so I just wanted to share how grateful I have been for my little family here and friends who have served so well. I feel undeserving such a reward!


  1. Your hubby sounds so sweet to take care of you even when he is sick. Hope the foot feels better soon!

  2. I feel your pain (want to see my scar?) But I was 15 and expected to be waited on!
