Sunday, September 13, 2015

Are They ALL Yours?

If I had a dollar for every time I get this question...

We were at Lowe's last week and the conversation went like this:

Clerk: "Are all these kids yours?"

Me:  "How many are there?" (I didn't look up from swiping my card.)

C: "Six."

M:  "Yes.  I had to make sure we didn't pick up any extras while we were shopping."

I'm not sure what impels someone to ask this question.  It doesn't really bother me, but I do hear it a lot.  Usually I am happy to claim all the kids because they are great human beings.

Sometimes we get someone who wants to compliment the kids on their good behavior.  I usually end up ruining the moment by saying something like, "You didn't see them two minutes ago."  Sadly, two minutes ago might have prevented the compliment!

And that is why some days I answer the first question with, "Maybe." But that would be more believable if they didn't all look so similar to each other!

1 comment:

  1. I had my only negative experience with this question a couple weeks ago. It was really strange--the bagger at the grocery store just couldn't let go of asking if they were all mine and if I was going to have more or not. ..Um, my reproductive life, sir; leave me alone.
    Most of the time people are so nice. I always appreciate the compliments at grocery stores--there have been times they saved me from just walking out of the store crying because the kids were so crazy. And I have really good kids.
