Thursday, December 01, 2011

Bouncy Power

A story about the power of motivation...starring a bouncy ball and a passionate 4-year-old boy.

Joseph wanted me to wash his clothes but he didn't want to help get them collected. I suggested he just pull the laundry basket to the top of the stairs with all his dirty clothes in it and I would take it from there. He pulled a half-filled laundry basket to the top of the stairs. At the request that he drag it back to his room and put ALL of the dirty clothes in it, he flashed into a screaming, stomping, pint-sized monster. It was about that time that I walked away. I don't "rescue" in situations like that. Or maybe I'm just as lazy as he is!

Anyway, about 10-15 minutes later, Joseph approached me with a deal. If he brought down all his dirty clothes, I would give him a bouncy ball. Minutes ago he couldn't even bring down an half-filled basket, but now he has the strength to return to his room and get the rest of the clothes and bring it down the stairs, up a couple of different stairs, through two rooms and a hallway and into the laundry room for a small piece of foam rubber.

I didn't make it through 11.5 years of motherhood without learning to recognize a small victory. So I agreed to the deal. The clothes are now tumbling in the washer. Joseph and Sarah fought over, I mean played with the ball long enough for me to get a shower. I think I got the best part of the bargain!

Here is the object of desire.

It just goes to show what a little motivation and feeling like you have control of the situation can do...even if you are just 4 years old.

1 comment:

  1. And to think that it's taken me 30 years longer than Joseph to understand how to bribe myself properly!
