Monday, February 20, 2006

Genius or Smarty Pants?

We played a game for FHE last week where the kids performed an action written on a heart. The kids were reusing the hearts last week during breakfast time and acting silly. They asked Chad to read it to them and then did what it said. Leah picked up a heart and held it up to me: "This say?" "Count to ten," I answered. Happily, Leah went on her merry way and by the time she got to the end of the hallway, she was to 11 (yes, she counted them in order...she was 2 last month). I looked to Chad, who also had a look of surprise, and said, "She isn't very good at following directions. It said count to ten." Today at the church (while I was walking), she got to 12 while they played "hide and seek." So is she a genius or just too smart for her own good? Daniel didn't do that (wouldn't is probably more accurate) until well into the school year.

I would just like to mention that Nathan is a little stubborn. Have I said this before (rhetorical question, I know)? Most kids whine and cry, then throw a tantrum when they're told to do something they don't want to. Nathan doesn't bother with such a waste of energy. He just completely ignores you and does what he wants anyway. He is so focused on the goal, that he'll keep trying to accomplish it while being physically restrained. Today, after losing a privilege that would reduce Daniel to tears, Nathan only said, "I don't care." And I believe him! (But what do I DO with him?) :S

1 comment:

  1. Megan just closes her eyes if she doesn't want to do what you want her to. 'If I can't see you then you don't exist' sort of thing. Lovely.
